High school/Lycée Graduation Photos - Photography and Sentimentality Intertwined.

My own children are now at university and I remember this moment well and all the emotions that come with it. Exhaustion after hard work, celebration, excitement for the future, but a little sadness for letting go of our young adults.

Education in the Pays de Gex and Geneva means you are in International School so will get a cap and gown and a celebration to mark the end of this phase of education, or you are in French school where we had very little (sadly for use, none) by way of making this an event. So thank you to the English National Programme in Ferney who have now created a graduation event if you have studied the OIB. But whatever system you have navigated through this is a moment worth remembering.

Why book graduation photos? I don't have many professional photos of my own children as they finished their education here (I know!), and yes I really regret it. When your house is quiet, you will want these!

I remember how exhausted everyone is by the time of graduation, and how there is a whirlwind of events, holidays, trips away and all of a sudden getting ready for uni. So looking back I know it would be nice to take time out to have someone else worry about getting the photos, and to make the photo session part of the memory of this time and spend some time together as a family.

As with everything a photo session is a complement to the photos we capture every day with our phones, hopefully elevating the experience and the outcome As well as making the session itself part of the memory, we get quality images where someone has spent time on attention to detail and refining the result to produce a keepsake that we can print and treasure.

I have done graduation photos in a chosen location in Geneva, in back gardens for convenience and in the one hour slot that was the only hour a family had together before everyone went their separate ways for the summer, but we had to make it happen.

It is a great pleasure to share these moments with families, and I remember how it feels so will do my best to be flexible to your needs, make it fun, manageable and produce photos that are a keepsake.


Hassle-free passport photos and hate getting your passport out slightly less....